Sam Cohen

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Some Projects

"ELE auto-stamper"

Wrote both a video-processing script and an accompanying GUI to expidite two key experiments in Rockefeller University's Maimon Labratory of Integrative Brain Function.

Key features: Created an updating background-subtraction algorthim to remove background noise from fly and larvae movement.

Key features: Encapsulated program with intuitive and effective GUI for quick testing of false positives and negatives.

Team size: 1

Technologies used: Matlab & Computer Vision System Toolbox

"Smells Gud"

Developed at the University of Pennsylvania's "Penn Apps", Smells Gud is a webapp that sends users dining hall reccomendations based on their given dietary preferences.

Key features: Built a web scraper to collect live information from Columbia's three main dining halls.

Key features: Allows users to input both favorite foods and also dietary restrictions (Vegetarian, Glutan-free, ect.).

Team size: 2

Technologies used: Python, Flask, HTML/CSS/Javascript, SQLite, Beautiful Soup & Requests (for web-scraping)


Built by Columbia's ADI Labs. Our team both improved the front end, and also began working on implementing machine learning techniques in an effort to provide users with Density predictions.

Key features: Implemented machine learning techniques to assess future crowding within on-campus buildings.

Key features: Improved UI with new tabs and formatted prediction graphs.

Team size: 4

Technologies used: Python, Flask, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Pandas, NumPy

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